Posts by kcbariatric
Muscles & Myokines
Facilitator: Kari McKeown, RPT Kari is one of the physical therapists in the Comprehensive Care Office of the Bariatric Center of Kansas City, and has been a physical therapist for many years. She said the research and her own experience demonstrate that patients who begin physical therapy and become active prior to a surgery have…
Read MoreFebruary 6, 2018 – HIIT Training to Increase Metabolism
Facilitated by Greg Justice, M.ED, Owner AYC Fitness Greg talked to the group about metabolism, how to boost it, and the importance of mixing strength and resistance training into your routine. Metabolism is the total sum of all the chemical reactions that take place in your body. The four components of metabolism are: Resting Metabolic…
Read MoreJanuary 25, 2018 – HALT Emotional Eating
Facilitated by Dr. Michelle Coker, Clinical Psychologist One of the triggers for eating is our emotions. We use food to soothe ourselves in many stressful situations, but it can be controlled with some awareness. Dr. Coker talked about a simple way to clarify why we are eating called HALT: H – Hungry: Do I…
Read MoreAfter Gastric Bypass – HALT Emotional Eating
Making good choices about food is important for everyone, not just those that have undergone gastric bypass. Our population is obsessed with dieting with thousands of books, websites, products and programs dedicated to healthy eating, portion control, food limiting, and making better food choices. The Bariatric Center of Kansas City has been working with gastric…
Read MoreJanuary 2, 2018 – Food Labels – What Does It All Mean?
Facilitated by Chris Bovos, BSN, CBN The following is an outline summary of the food label presentation given at the January 2nd support group meeting. This information has been written up in more detail and presented in a blog article that can be viewed on our blog page: Healthy Eating – The Importance of Understanding…
Read MoreHealthy Eating: The Importance Of Understanding Food Labeling
For many people, healthy eating is a chore. This is especially true for those who have gone through bariatric surgery and are adjusting to new eating habits. After surgery, monitoring what and how much you put in your body becomes critical to maintaining your weight loss goals. Making healthy eating choices doesn’t have to be…
Read MoreThe Impact of Biotin for Bariatric Weight Loss Patients
The Bariatric Center of Kansas City feels it important to share recent news published by The FDA with our bariatric weight loss patients. On November 28, 2017 they published the following alert about Biotin: “The FDA is alerting the public, health care providers, lab personnel, and lab test developers that biotin can significantly interfere with…
Read MoreWill Weight Loss Surgery Cure My Sleep Apnea?
The most common questions I get in the sleep program have to do with the effects of weight loss and weight loss surgery in sleep apnea. I always respond with helping people understand Obstructive Sleep Apnea; what it is and why it occurs. The definition for Obstructive Sleep Apnea is; “a cessation of breathing followed…
Read MoreAlcohol Consumption after Bariatric Surgery
What Happens When You Drink? We have all experienced the effects that come with drinking an alcoholic beverage or two. Drinking alcohol can come with considerable costs also. Moderate amounts of alcohol can feel socially beneficial, but an excessive amount can cause a variety of negative consequences. Impaired judgement from excessive alcohol can cause people…
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