bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

Dr. Cunningham is an internationally published author!

One of our brilliant bariatric surgeons at KC Bariatric, Dr. Cunningham, recently had a publication in a highly respected international...
two signs saying "old habits" and "new habits" pointing in oposite directions in front of mountains and blue lake


Here at the Bariatric Center of Kansas City, we respectfully recognize the potential patient concern about the possibility of transfer...
kc bariatric patients getting healthy by jogging outside

September 4th, 2018 – Rachelle Vigna’s Journey and the Susan G. Komen Event

Rachelle is one of our patients who had a gastric sleeve surgery about 2 years ago.  She came to share...
kc bariatric support group has conversation

July 26, 2018 – Group Feedback & Suggestions

Facilitator:  Chris Bovos, RN & Program Coordinator Had a small group today and continued with getting feedback on subjects patients...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

April 21, 2018 – Back on Track with a 5 Day Pouch “Re-set”

Facilitator:  Chris Bovos, RN, CBN This support group information is intended for patients who are at least 1 year out...
bariatric weight loss childhood obesity cancer

Childhood Obesity Could Be Linked To Cancer in Young Adults

Childhood obesity has been a topic for some years now in the United States. Doctors and researchers have spent hours...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

Hair Loss After Weight Loss Surgery

Facilitated by Chris Bovos, BSN, CBN 91% of hair is made of a structural protein called keratin, with the rest...
KC Bariatric Healthy Eating Nutritional foods Food Labeling Weight Loss

Healthy Eating: The Importance Of Understanding Food Labeling

For many people, healthy eating is a chore. This is especially true for those who have gone through bariatric surgery...
bariatric weight loss FDA biotin

The Impact of Biotin for Bariatric Weight Loss Patients

The Bariatric Center of Kansas City feels it important to share recent news published by The FDA with our bariatric...