We Can Help You Sustain Long-Term Weight Loss Success
Superior Medical Care
Deciding to have weight-loss surgery will change your life in a positive and healthy way. The decision of where to have your surgery is critically important and will affect your weight loss success and overall bariatric surgery experience. You can rest assured that KC Bariatric surgeons have performed the largest number of bariatric procedures in the Midwest region and are therefore the most experienced and skilled at doing them. Our program partner, The Bariatric Center of Kansas City, is an accredited Comprehensive Bariatric Center. This designation acknowledges the superior surgical and medical care made available to our patients, including complication rates far below the national average.

Pathway to Surgery
1. Register online under our “get started” button.
2. Your insurance benefits will be verified to ensure you have the bariatric coverage. If you don’t have coverage we will call you to see if you want to proceed with Private Pay.
3. You will be assigned a case manager once your insurance benefits are verified or you chose to use Private Pay.
4. You will be contacted to schedule your initial consultation with one of our surgeons.
5. Meet with Dr. Hoehn, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Aragon, or Dr. Forrest for your initial surgical consultation. At this visit you will also have an opportunity to meet your Case Manager, who will guide you through the process of completing insurance requirements and our criteria.
6. Obtain psychological clearance for bariatric surgery by Dr. Ravi Sabapathy, PsyD, or Dr. Michelle Coker, Ph.D.
7. Undergo any required diagnostic tests such as endoscopy, blood work, or tests to obtain cardiac or pulmonary clearance, (if necessary).
8. Meet with one of our registered Dietitians Sidney Smith, RD, LD or Melissa Rothwell, RD, LD.
9. You will view our online preoperative education class. This class details what you can expect before, during, and after surgery.
10. Lastly, prepare for your surgery by going on a high-protein, liquid-only diet prior to surgery. This shrinks the size of the liver and allows us to perform the surgery more safely and easily.
Time Frame for Surgery
The “Pathway to Surgery” can take 2 or more months, depending on certain requirements from your insurance plan. We are able to help over 1,500+ patients every year get through this process efficiently. Contact us and get started on the path to a new and healthier you today!

Fast-Track Pathway
If you are a Private-Pay patient without bariatric insurance benefits, contact us to discuss our “Fast-Track Pathway” and see how you may be able to schedule your surgery within 30 days of your initial surgical consultation!
Prepare for Changes
Try to discuss your decision with your loved ones. Confirm that the people close to you know that you are serious about your decision to undergo weight loss surgery and that you need their support. The decision to have weight loss surgery can be an exciting one, but it is crucial to ensure that you are prepared to make the changes to your lifestyle that the surgery requires. Doing research and being as fully informed as possible when you begin the decision-making and approval processes can make your surgery date arrive much more quickly than if you are unprepared.

Careful Consideration
If it is difficult to find supportive people in your life, it may help to speak with a therapist. They can help you with problem-solving strategies, including dealing with interpersonal problems. During the approval process for surgery, you will have an evaluation of your mental health. Having a relationship with a therapist before you begin the approval process for surgery can be advantageous. We are connected to support groups for people who have had weight loss surgery. These groups can also help you determine if weight loss surgery is the right decision for you and may help develop a plan to discuss your decision with your family and friends.
Bariatric Benefits
Check with your insurance company regarding bariatric benefits or develop a plan for self-pay when considering surgery. Determining your coverage under your insurance plan can be a long and involved process. Our case managers and finance department are more than happy to assist you with this process.