woman who had weight loss surgery thinks to herself and struggles with "fat-brain"

Have you ever heard the term “Fat Brain”? Maybe you have heard another term that has a similar meaning. Although we don’t like the term, we hear it often, especially in the social media communities. So let’s talk openly about that for a minute. What does that term REALLY mean? You typically hear the term […]

Winter Fitness

two bariatric patients happily jog in the forest in winter

Don’t let cold weather set you back! We can still stay motivated and move all winter long! “BUT HOW!?!” You ask. Well, start by making a list of what motivates you, put yourself in that mindset while planning your winter fitness. It can be invigorating to exercise outside in the winter. Just be sure to […]

The Journey Toward Improved Quality of Life

three female bariatric patients laugh happily after successful weight loss surgery

It’s not just your outlook on life that makes the difference, it’s what you DO to be proactive in obtaining a good life. Weight-loss surgery is a fantastic tool to help you reach your health goals. Along the way, you may realize what else you have put aside in your life that could now use […]


two signs saying "old habits" and "new habits" pointing in oposite directions in front of mountains and blue lake

Here at the Bariatric Center of Kansas City, we respectfully recognize the potential patient concern about the possibility of transfer addictions. This is not just a bariatric concern, as anyone who has had any type of addiction can end up with a transfer addiction simply because our mind tries to find a way to cope […]

Is Your Scale Stuck?

bariatric patients gets on scale and it feels stuck at the same number

Are you finding yourself STUCK? Are you wondering how to get back on track? Are you considering doing the liquid reset that is so popular in the Bariatric community? You don’t have to torture yourself anymore to get that “full” sooner feeling and to jump-start your weight loss again, all you need is a plan! […]

Thrift Shopping During Your Weight Loss Journey

two bariatric patients enjoy thrift store shopping after their weight loss surgery

One of the more exciting non-scale victories that come with weight loss is updating your closet. Well-fitting clothes make all the difference in before and after photos, and they can help you feel more confident, as well as show off your progress. It may be tempting to replace your entire closet with designer brands and […]

How to Prepare for Weight Loss Surgery

a bariatric patient drinks water and smiles while preparing for weight loss surgery

Bariatric surgery is a life changing decision that takes many people years to make. It is the most effective way to lose weight long-term and will drastically change your life physically, mentally, and emotionally. In order to prepare for the changes you will face along your journey, there are many essential steps you can take. […]

Carbohydrates Explained

cauliflower is a great alternative to carbs

One of our dietitians, Annie Epp, RD, spoke about Carbohydrates.  With all the information about low carbohydrate diets out there, she wanted to explain the difference between types of carbohydrates and which are the healthiest. She started with the actual building blocks of carbohydrates.  SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES The most simple building block of carbs are monosaccharides, […]

Benefits of Exercise Beyond Weight Loss

bariatric patients playing tennis on court

While we are all aware that exercise increases weight loss, there are many other benefits to becoming more active. Improving our body’s structure: Retaining our muscles and bones is crucial to helping us to stay healthy as we age Women over the age of 50 and men over the age of 70 are at a […]

