Balance Blog

Feeling Wobbly?

By: Shelly Buse, PT Have you noticed changes in balance after bariatric surgery? Do you catch yourself reaching out for...
bariatric patient working out in home gym

Fork-Free Hobbies

After a long day at work, at school, in the car or {insert daily obligation here}, your energy reserves and...
gift for a bariatric patient

Gift Ideas for a Bariatric Patient

With the holidays coming up, many of our patients have been asking for gift ideas that will be helpful in...

A Bariatric Guide to Thanksgiving

Mashed Potatoes! Apple Crisp! Stuffing! Holiday food can either inspire excitement or anxiety - or both - depending on your...

Before and After Surgery Advice from Our Patients

For many patients, opting for an elective procedure can come with a lot of questions and a fear of the...
Healthy vegetarian eating after bariatric surgery

Vegetarian Options After Bariatric Surgery

Good nutrition is vital to a healthy lifestyle, especially after bariatric surgery. It is important that individuals who have had...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

Exercising Away Those “Jiggly” Underarms

Facilitator:  Barb Cashman, PT Bariatric Center of Kansas City Physical Therapist, Barb Cashman, came to support group to talk about...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

Vegetarian Options after Bariatric Surgery

Facilitator:  Annie Epp, RD, LD While many people prefer a vegetarian lifestyle, it is difficult to meet the protein needs...
gastric bypass emotional eating KC Bariatric Center of Kansas City

Gastric Bypass: Ways to Avoid Emotional Eating!

After gastric bypass surgery food can be a huge challenge. We find that many people bury their feelings in food....