bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

Hair Loss After Weight Loss Surgery

Facilitated by Chris Bovos, BSN, CBN 91% of hair is made of a structural protein called keratin, with the rest...
The Bariatric Center of Kansas City Weight loss sabotage

How We Sabotage Our Weight Loss

Ever feel like your own worst enemy?  We certainly can be when it comes to working a successful weight loss...
gastric bypass blog importance of exercise - hiking outdoors

After Gastric Bypass or Gastric Sleeve Surgery – Exercise IS Vital!

In working with our gastric bypass patients, The Bariatric Center of Kansas City has learned a few things about the...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

January 25, 2018 – HALT Emotional Eating

Facilitated by Dr. Michelle Coker, Clinical Psychologist One of the triggers for eating is our emotions.  We use food to...
The Bariatric Center of Kansas City Bariatric Bypass Comfort caught emotionally eating

After Gastric Bypass – HALT Emotional Eating

Making good choices about food is important for everyone, not just those that have undergone gastric bypass. Our population is...
bariatric weight loss FDA biotin

The Impact of Biotin for Bariatric Weight Loss Patients

The Bariatric Center of Kansas City feels it important to share recent news published by The FDA with our bariatric...
weight loss surgery sleep apnea kc bariatric center kansas city

Will Weight Loss Surgery Cure My Sleep Apnea?

The most common questions I get in the sleep program have to do with the effects of weight loss and...
bariatric patient turns down alcohol in glass

Alcohol Consumption after Bariatric Surgery

What Happens When You Drink? We have all experienced the effects that come with drinking an alcoholic beverage or two....
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

June 6, 2017 – The Appetite Regulation System – Simplified

The body’s organs “talk” to each other through a signaling system. The organs, like the stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, etc....