Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Begins With Breakfast

Successful weight loss and weight management is dependent on the choices you make day-by-day. From the moment you get up you are faced with choices that shape the day; exercise, food, activities, communications, etc. The first, most important choice of the day is breakfast. Although many skip this meal, dieters will find it easier to […]

Support Group Roundtable

kc bariatric support group holds hands

Facilitated by:  KC Bariatric admin The July 3rd support group was designed to be a feedback session to better learn the support group needs of our patients.  We identified and discussed topics that patients felt would be the most helpful to have more  information on.  Chris shared a sheet with “The Basics to Know Before […]

Vegetarian Options After Bariatric Surgery

Healthy vegetarian eating after bariatric surgery

Good nutrition is vital to a healthy lifestyle, especially after bariatric surgery. It is important that individuals who have had weight loss surgery consume a diet that is rich in protein and low in simple carbs and sugars. Lately, the staff at the Bariatric Center of Kansas City have been discussing the merits of various […]

Exercising Away Those “Jiggly” Underarms

Facilitator:  Barb Cashman, PT Bariatric Center of Kansas City Physical Therapist, Barb Cashman, came to support group to talk about excess skin and ways to decrease the amount of excess skin that hangs from the underarm after weight loss.  The elasticity plays a large part in how much you can decrease that, including genetics, how […]

Vegetarian Options after Bariatric Surgery

Facilitator:  Annie Epp, RD, LD While many people prefer a vegetarian lifestyle, it is difficult to meet the protein needs without eating too many carbohydrates.  Also, because some patients struggle with eating meat after surgery, and others get tired of just eating meat.  It is helpful to add in some vegetarian options that may be […]

Gastric Bypass: Ways to Avoid Emotional Eating!

gastric bypass emotional eating KC Bariatric Center of Kansas City

After gastric bypass surgery food can be a huge challenge. We find that many people bury their feelings in food. Food is used as a source of comfort. Gastric bypass surgery provides a tool to control portion size but does not automatically change the reason you eat. For successful post-surgery results, one must change old […]

The Significant Role of Acceptance in Weight Loss

weight loss acceptance and self image Bariatric Center Kansas City

During the weight loss journey, reaching goals is key. Maintaining a healthy self-image can be a difficult but powerful goal. Being comfortable in your skin when facing the world in a body with excess weight can make staying positive an overwhelming struggle. Society does not accept being overweight. Fat shaming is real. Staying positive about […]

Tai Chi for Core Strength and Balance

Facilitators:  Sensai Janelle and Gary from USSD Lenexa Sensai Janelle first explained the two different styles of martial arts classes that they teach. First is Kempo, an active style- the yang version; and Tai Chi, a slower focused style- the ying version. She went on to explain that during Tai Chi one uses slow, relaxed […]

April 21, 2018 – Back on Track with a 5 Day Pouch “Re-set”

Facilitator:  Chris Bovos, RN, CBN This support group information is intended for patients who are at least 1 year out from surgery and have experienced weight regain. This information is not intended for patients who are still losing weight or are less than a year out from surgery and their weight loss is stalled – […]

