KC Bariatric Offers Support at All Stages of the Weight Loss Process

KC Bariatric Offers Support at All Stages of the Weight Loss Process

Becky went to KC Bariatric and got her life back on track after being overweight

Becky is healthy after surgery at KC Bariatric

"I remember thinking about bariatric surgery probably two years before I had it, (secretly in my head). I was afraid...

Amanda is a Bariathlete after Bariatric Surgery

Our patient Amanda had weight loss surgery with Dr. Hamilton and has transformed her life in so many incredible ways!...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

Dr. Cunningham is an internationally published author!

One of our brilliant bariatric surgeons at KC Bariatric, Dr. Cunningham, recently had a publication in a highly respected international...
hairbrush with hair spelling out "help"

Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

Although hair loss can happen after bariatric surgery, it is not permanent, and your hair will grow back. But why...
two bariatric patients enjoy coffee in their mugs after bariatric surgery

Coffee After Bariatric Surgery

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages around the world and many people start their day off with a...
a before and after bariatric surgery photo of successful eldery patient debbi

Debbi’s Successful Weight loss Transformation

Our patient Debbi is a very special lady and one of the winners of our photo contest! She put in...
Pete Smith had a successful weight loss transformation with KC Bariatric

Pete’s Successful Bariatric Journey

We had the pleasure of sitting down with one of our awe-inspiring patients Pete Smith and hearing about his bariatric...
two bariatric patients run a 5K in front of bright green field

How To Prepare For Your First 5K

Walking or running a 5K — 3.1 miles — can be a fun and rewarding experience, especially if it's your...

Stevi’s Life Transformation!

When I was asked to write a story for The Bariatric Center of Kansas City patient success page, I jumped...