We Have a Free Clothing Closet for You to Find Clothes That Fit You at Every Stage of the Process

We Have a Free Clothing Closet for You to Find Clothes That Fit You at Every Stage of the Process

Weight Loss Clothing Exchange

To help our patients defray the cost of buying new clothing each time they lose a size during their rapid weight-loss period, post-operative patients may donate clothing back to the clothing exchange when they no longer need them. You may help yourself to any items you want to try in the clothing exchange – you do not need to bring clothing items to take clothing. We donate clothing not selected within 3 to 6 months to several thrift stores or Veterans. The clothing exchange takes a lot of work by several volunteers, so please respect their time and don’t send items that don’t belong. Please donate them yourself to a charity of your choice. Thank you.

bariatric patient looks through kc bariatric free clothing closet

Please Follow These Guidelines When Bringing Clothing to Donate:

  • Please limit your contributions to your 20 best items.
  • Please bring clothes in season – we don’t have a lot of storage to save things for different seasons. 
  • Only bring clothing that is adult size 3X or smaller
  • Only clothing that is appropriate for work or nice casual clothing
  • Only bring clean clothing in good condition: – no holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, or items stored for a long time. 
  • Please ensure items are free of animal hair.
  • No underwear or bras