May 5, 2016 – Weight Loss Process & Expectations

Bariatric Support Group Date: May 5, 2016  The presentation began with a discussion about what happens in the body when you lose weight and reviewing what we know about energy.  Energy is measured in calories, and calories are composed of Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates and Alcohol.  The energy you burn, or Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) is […]

Journey Bariatric Supplements – KC Bariatric Surgery Patients

journey bariatric supplements

The Bariatric Center of Kansas City is pleased to announce that our specially formulated “Journey” bariatric nutritional supplements are now available for online purchase!  Patients can select the large yellow “Journey Bariatric Supplements” button found in the middle of our website homepage to be redirected to the Journey online ordering site.  You will also find […]

February 18, 2016 – Excess Skin & Body Magic

Bariatric Support Group Date: February 18, 2016 Facilitator: Stephanie McCain & Chris Bovos Chris announced that anyone who has a CPAP or BiPAP at home that they no longer need following their weight loss can donate it to the program. We will have them cleaned and sterilized, put new tubing and hoses on them and […]

Cooking for One

Bariatric Support Group Cooking for one! Facilitator: Chris Bovos, RN, CBN Chris cooked today using cauliflower instead of pasta or rice.  Chris made a pizza crust from riced cauliflower which she cooked and then cooled before putting pizza sauce and cheese on top.  It probably should have been cooked a little longer than it was […]

In The News

The Bariatric Center of Kansas City was recently mentioned in The Kansas City Business Journal regarding the center’s expansion. Read the KBJ article here.

Exercise Tips for Warmer Weather

kansas city exercise

Exercising in warmer spring and summer months is different from exercising in cooler months, for a number of reasons. At The Bariatric Center of Kansas City, we realize that losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight is a challenge for many people, and exercising is a critical element of achieving and maintaining a healthy, strong […]

How Weight Loss Surgery Can Improve Your Life

weight loss kansas city

Obesity is a huge problem not only in Kansas City, but across the nation and around the world. At The Bariatric Center of Kansas City, we understand that weight loss surgery not only improves your health and sense of well being, but improves your life overall. Slim people are not only healthier, but more confident, […]


Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy – I had battled with my weight for most of my adult life. Each year my glucose levels were getting higher and higher and with the family history of diabetes I was afraid that was going to be my fate. I also have a niece and nephew that I wanted to be […]

Benita & Jim

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy & Gastric Bypass Benita had the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure performed in November of 2010. Jim had the Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass procedure done in November of 2010   Which Surgery is Right for Me? » Yo-yo dieting is very unhealthy. I have tried every diet from behavioral modification to religion. I would […]

