Laparoscopic Sleeve
Gastrectomy &
Gastric Bypass
Benita had the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure performed in November of 2010.
Jim had the Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass procedure done in November of 2010
Yo-yo dieting is very unhealthy. I have tried every diet from behavioral modification to religion. I would loose about 25 pounds and within a year regained that plus another 25. Health; I was on three different blood pressure medications and the blood pressure still was not controlled. Sleep apnea, GERD, elevated lipids and depression. I got the depression under control and it was time to work on the physical problems. I have four grandchildren I would like to see grow up, get married and have kids.
What were the short and long term effects of having it done?
Short term effects: not sure there are any short term effects. Immediate effects: I stopped one BP mediation, two weeks later one was cut in half, in four weeks another BP med was cut in half. In January another BP med was removed. Two weeks ago the primary care physician discussed stopping the BP med all together; didn’t stop it but will more than likely in a couple weeks. The PCP removed several diagnosis’s from my chart. I was not short of breath walking from my vehicle to the building I work in; did not use the inhaler all winter. I felt like doing things, like joining a gym! The knees and hip stopped hurting when I walked or took the stairs.
Long term effects: health issues go away, no knee and hip pain, I will be healthy, higher self esteem, able to play with the grandkids without getting short of breath, get to see the grandkids grow up, younger son get married and have babies. Cutting up my Catherine’s and Lane Bryant credit cards!! There are roller coasters to ride!
What did you think of The Bariatric Center of Kansas City’s seminar?
I found it informative, encouraging and honest.
What, if anything, would you differently?
I could say I would have done it sooner but I don’t know that I would have been ready them. I hadn’t hit ‘rock bottom’.
What were the short and long term effects of having it done?
Short term—When I left the hospital No blood pressure medications no diabetic medication and after 40-50 pounds my knees stopped hurting. LONG TERM—I can shop at most stores for clothing I couldn’t before. Medical issues should be less long term, I should be healthier the rest of my life and of course much better self esteem of myself.
What did you think of The Bariatric Center of Kansas City’s seminar?
I thought it was informative and encouraging, but reminded that the surgery required me to use it as a tool for a life time of health.
What, if anything, would you differently?
I would have done the surgery 2 years ago!!
Posted in Success Stories