Did you know that it’s common for people to fear bariatric surgery more than obesity? How can that be? We all know the toll obesity takes on a person’s physical and emotional health, so why would a surgical remedy as part of a comprehensive bariatric health program be considered by some to be less desirable than living with the many negative impacts of obesity in everyday life?

In the February 2016 publication “Connect”, a news magazine published by the ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery), ASMBS President, Raul Rosenthal, M.D. shared that “Despite the scientific evidence and the millions of patients who have benefitted from bariatric surgery over the years, outsized fears and anxieties exist today among many patients, and even some doctors, about the “dangers,” “lack of effectiveness” and “extreme risks” of what some still call a “drastic procedure” that should only be considered a “last resort.”

It’s sad to consider that people who could really benefit by a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass in Kansas City hold back due to unfounded, irrational fears, much of which stems from misinformation! They may hold back from looking into surgical options to “play it safe”, while that decision alone can potentially lead them further down the road of obesity and deeper into a not so safe high risk medical state involving type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, and depression. Clearly these conditions have a negative impact on an obese person’s quality of life and in fact lend themselves to reducing a person’s longevity over all. But many will choose to stay in this unhealthy, limiting state due to an unfounded fear factor!!

In Rosenthal’s article, he states: “In 2014, research from the Cleveland Clinic Bariatric and Metabolic Institute showed laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes carries a complication and mortality rate comparable to some of the safest and most commonly performed surgeries in America, including gallbladder surgery, appendectomy and total knee replacement.”

Unfortunately, many “patients may have formed views based on faulty information or atypical occurrences with friends, family or coworkers.” It’s much like the fear of flying, where an individual decides flying is too risky and chooses to never fly to get to a favorite destination. But statistically, the probability of your plane going down is around 1 in 5.4 million, with some reports putting the odds closer to 1 in 11 million (from Elite Daily article by John Haltiwanger on “Science Says”, “The Odds of a Plane Crash are One In 11 Million, Yet You’re Still Afraid.”) So air plane crashes do happen, but they are very rare when considering the number of flights that take place safely and successfully all around the world every day. Bariatric surgery is like that, too. You may hear of an occasional “horror story”, but when considering the number of bariatric surgeries performed successfully, and with great results, every year compared to a very small number of serious complications or deaths that occur, it’s easy to see that the negatives get more press and distort the reality that bariatric surgery is no more risky than other surgeries more commonly performed.

We agree with Dr. Rosenthal when he says, “Risks do exist and bariatric surgery is a serious operation. But unexplained risks or risks without context are a lot scarier than risks explained and fears addressed.” The Bariatric Center of Kansas City is a high volume, national leader in bariatric surgery and aftercare, providing gastric sleeve and gastric bypass in Kansas City. Our expertise and experience have led to shorter OR surgery times, shorter hospital stays and low complication rates, with our performance statistics falling well below the already low national averages! If considering bariatric surgery in Kansas City, do yourself a favor and get the facts on the bariatric surgery fear factor. Bariatric surgery is not as risky as some make it seem, and improved quality of life can be yours!

Read Dr. Rosenthal’s full article by clicking on the link below:


Photo from original article: http://connect.asmbs.org/february-2016-president-rosenthal-message.html