Life After Surgery

Fundamentals of Success

Bariatric surgery is not a quick fix to achieve your goal weight. It requires many changes to your lifestyle. You will decrease your chances of success if you are not committed to these changes. The physical changes to your digestive system will make some of these adjustments easier than they otherwise would be. The amount of food you can eat each day is a fraction of what it was before surgery. The type and nutritional quality of your diet will change. Your new diet will need everything you eat to have high nutritional value. Our Dietitians will give you detailed instructions for your diet at every stage after your surgery.

Support System

Bariatric surgery is the first step on the road to successful weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. You will increase your chances of success with a positive social support system. Maintaining the relationship with your medical team can be invaluable following your surgery since they will be able to monitor your progress and offer advice. Your surgeon may refer you to a support group so that you can develop strategies for changing your eating habits. Support groups are also helpful because you can find compassion and empathy from people who have experienced or are experiencing the same things you are.

