July 26, 2018 – Group Feedback & Suggestions

kc bariatric support group has conversation

Facilitator:  Chris Bovos, RN & Program Coordinator

Had a small group today and continued with getting feedback on subjects patients want to hear more about, suggestions for making changes to support groups, and things patients need to know.  Some of the items patients would have liked to know at discharge are:

  • Directions for taking omeprazole after surgery – you are to take 20 mg twice a day for 3 months. Some thought it was only as needed, and others thought they should stop it after 2 weeks. 
  • There is an internal stitch the surgeons take on the left side that can become quite painful for a couple of weeks as it heals and pulls. People think there is something wrong, and it helps if they know this is normal.

We will make sure these are added to patient information.  Some of the patients felt that they were given too much information right before discharge and felt overwhelmed.  Would like to have the class closer to surgery, so they don’t forget anything, and aren’t trying to listen at discharge when they are so medicated.

Some suggestions for support groups include:

  • How to count protein – talked about food scales and other containers that measure ounces of food. Will try to collect some items that can help with this.
  • Would like a group on dealing with awkward situations – especially right after surgery when you aren’t eating much and unable to drink . Wedding receptions, birthday parties, social events can be difficult, and you shouldn’t have to tell anyone why you aren’t eating much.
  • Would like to look at menus from a variety of restaurants to make some good selections before going and having to make an on-th-spot decision about what to eat. Also, how to eat when the only options are on the road, in the airport, etc. 
  • Would like more exercise classes. One of the members recommended a free app on your smart phone called HASFIT, which allows you to select a daily workout at any level – low impact, moderate impact, high impact, etc.  you can do it at home with your phone, iPAD or plug it into the TV. 
  • Another member recommended a shampoo, conditioner and treatment for thinning hair called Ceraphill that her stylist recommended and she liked.
  • Would like to have a closed Facebook group for the Bariatric Center of Kansas City where members could go to check on the topic for the support group, see any changes or updates to them, and keep informed of anything new coming up.

As we look to finishing this year and setting up programs for next year, we will definitely incorporate these great suggestions.  Thanks to all for your feedback. 



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