Bariatric Support Group
Date: February 18, 2016
Facilitator: Stephanie McCain & Chris Bovos
Chris announced that anyone who has a CPAP or BiPAP at home that they no longer need following their weight loss can donate it to the program. We will have them cleaned and sterilized, put new tubing and hoses on them and give them to patients who need them but cannot afford them. Just bring them to support group, just like you do your clothing.
We are done accepting winter clothing, and you will see the spring/summer clothing out in March. As a reminder, please don’t bring clothing larger then 3X, and just bring the clothing you have that is in very good condition, no stains, holes, and appropriate for someone to wear to work. We do also have some workout clothing, and nice jeans. Please don’t bring everything you have – please select the nicest pieces. We get so many clothes now that we donating some to thrift shops, organizations that help single mothers, and veterans.
Stephanie McCain, a patient who had surgery 2 years ago and has lost a total of 72 pounds, did a presentation showing a product called Body Magic. It is a compression garment that was originally designed by plastic surgeons to use on patients after tummy tucks and other surgery. It is wonderfully designed and extremely well made. It can be washed in cold water on delicate and then line dried. There are a number of different garments, from t-shirts to eliminate tummy rolls, to a full body garment that goes from mid-thigh to above the breasts. Stephanie has not had a tummy tuck and showed how her clothes fit without the garment and how it looks after putting it on. The different is quite obvious. A number of our patients have purchased them over the last few years and have dropped several sizes. She is currently offering them to our patients at a big discount. Next month the cost will go up. She needs to measure each person to ensure the best fit, and likes to help you put it on the first time. Her husband, Robert, also wears the men’s t-shirt to eliminate tummy rolls following his weight loss surgery. The compression does help with ongoing weight loss and some of the remaining fatty tissue is “rearranged” with consistent use of the garment. You can go to her website to read more about the garment and order one, or you can call her directly. Her contact information is: (then click on reshaping link). Her cell phone is 630-297-3253. She is a very busy lady working full time and going to school at night, so be patient and she will get back to you!