weight loss surgery sleep apnea kc bariatric center kansas city

Will Weight Loss Surgery Cure My Sleep Apnea?

The most common questions I get in the sleep program have to do with the effects of weight loss and...
bariatric patient turns down alcohol in glass

Alcohol Consumption after Bariatric Surgery

What Happens When You Drink? We have all experienced the effects that come with drinking an alcoholic beverage or two....
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

November 7, 2017 – Setting & Meeting Activity Goals

Facilitated by:  Kari McKeown, RPT  and Barb Cashman, RPT Our two new physical therapists in the office were introduced and...
The Bariatric Center of Kansas City Physical Therapy Weight Loss

Physical Therapy Benefits Your Bariatric Weight Loss Journey!

Physical therapy plays an important role in your bariatric weight loss experience.  Physical therapists work with you during various points...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

October 19, 2017 – Making Seasonal Protein Bars

Facilitators: Laura Hernandez, RD & Anne Epp, RD                ...
Bariatric Center of Kansas City

Bariatric Center of Kansas City Surgeons Participate in J & J Institute Program

From Left to Right: Dr. Brice Hamilton, Dr. Aaron Lloyd, Dr. Billy Helmuth, Dr. Stanley Hoehn & Dr. Kelvin Higa...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

October 3, 2017 – Body Composition

The different components that the body is composed of are: Bones Organs Muscles Fat Along with water, these are what...
bariatric patients putting their hands together to support each other

September 21, 2017 – Cross Addiction or Addiction Transfer

Facilitator:  Michelle Coker, PhD Dr. Coker is a clinical psychologist at the Bariatric Center if Kansas City, and sees patients...
The Bariatric Center of Kansas City - weight loss sugar

Fructose & The Metabolic Impact of Sugar on Weight Loss and Body Function

Christopher Still, DO, FACN, FACP, recently published an article in Bariatric Times that provided helpful insights into the world of...