Small Group Meeting
Bariatric Support Group Information was shared that was received at the annual meeting of the ASMBS and TOS (American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, and The Obesity Society). There is an enormous amount of research going on around the world regarding the metabolic changes that occur with surgery, the microbiome (the bacteria in […]
Committing To Your Diet This Holiday Season

The holiday season is almost here. This time of year can be especially tough for anyone trying to lose weight and get healthy. From office parties to family get-togethers, Halloween candy and Thanksgiving dinner, there is so much good tasting yet unhealthy food in abundance. How do you stay committed to your diet and weight […]
Bariatric Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes

Is it really November already? Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and we hope that everyone enjoys their time with their families and the comfort of holiday recipes. To help keep you on track with your Bariatric diet, we’ve gathered a few bariatric friendly recipes for you to try this Thanksgiving. Always remember . . . […]
Childhood Obesity on the Rise

You may have heard that childhood obesity is on the rise. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), “Today, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese, nearly triple the rate in 1963. Among children today, obesity is causing a broad range of health problems that previously weren’t seen until adulthood. […]
Healthy Eating Tips During the Holiday Season

Fall has arrived, and quickly approaching us is the holiday season. Invitations to dinner parties we don’t want to miss will soon trickle into your inboxes, work socials with holiday pot lucks will begin, and we might find ourselves wondering, “How can I avoid weight gain with all of this food around me?” It is […]
Macro-nutrients & Regular Exercise Help Maximize Post-Surgery Weight Loss
Bariatric Support Group Date: October 6, 2016 Facilitator: Whitney Venegoni, NP Nurse Practitioner, Whitney Venegoni, began with a short presentation on the 3 main macronutrients the body needs to remain healthy – Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids (Fats). She started with protein, which is always stressed. She talked about how important protein is for your muscles […]
Benefits of Bariatric Surgery Before Knee or Hip Surgery

A new study from the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) this year has confirmed that obese patients who undergo weight loss surgery in Kansas City (or elsewhere) before having knee replacement surgery fare better than those who do not. Why is Bariatric Surgery Beneficial Before Knee or Hip Replacement Surgery? The American Society of Metabolic […]
Small Groups & Pumpkin Pudding
Bariatric Support Group Date: September 17, 2016 Facilitator: KC admin As we move into fall, we wanted to share a pureed pumpkin pudding that patients can make when they start the pureed foods in their post-operative diet progression. It does not contain sugar so is something any of our patients can make. Bariatric Friendly Pumpkin […]
Music Therapy for Stress Control
Bariatric Support Group Facilitator: Janalea Hoffman, Music Therapist Janalea Hoffman has been providing music therapy at Shawnee Mission Medical Center for 12 years, and works with oncology patients, surgical patients, and patients experiencing pain or stress. She spoke about how music can be used therapeutically and for recreation, and there was discussion about how […]