Bariatric Center of Kansas City Surgeons Participate in J & J Institute Program

From Left to Right: Dr. Brice Hamilton, Dr. Aaron Lloyd, Dr. Billy Helmuth, Dr. Stanley Hoehn & Dr. Kelvin Higa Bariatric Center of Kansas City surgeons Stanley Hoehn and Brice Hamilton recently participated as faculty members for the course Enhancing the Bariatric Patient Experience, presented by the Johnson & Johnson Institute September 15 and […]
October 3, 2017 – Body Composition
The different components that the body is composed of are: Bones Organs Muscles Fat Along with water, these are what our bodies are made up of. When we talk about your “fat free mass” we are talking about water, bones, organs and muscles. Once you have finished growing, your bones and organs don’t grow anymore […]
September 21, 2017 – Cross Addiction or Addiction Transfer
Facilitator: Michelle Coker, PhD Dr. Coker is a clinical psychologist at the Bariatric Center if Kansas City, and sees patients both before and after surgery. She defined cross addiction, or transfer addiction as it is sometimes called, as “…the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice that is psychologically or physically detrimental to […]
Fructose & The Metabolic Impact of Sugar on Weight Loss and Body Function

Christopher Still, DO, FACN, FACP, recently published an article in Bariatric Times that provided helpful insights into the world of sugar (“When in Doubt, Just say ‘NO’ to All Sugars”) -. Specifically, he cited a certain type of sugar, fructose (or fruit sugar), as being detrimental for all people, not just those actively seeking weight […]
September 5, 2017 – The Science Behind Willpower
Facilitator: Chris Bovos, RN, CBN : Chris spoke about Willpower, which most of us wish we had more of, to stop us from making choices that turn out to be bad for us. Since temptations never stop, it is important to understand that we can improve or strengthen our willpower. There has been a great […]
August 17, 2017 – How to Dress Your Body Type
Facilitator: Gina Daugherty, CM Gina has been involved in fashion since she was in high school, when she worked at Jones Store to coordinate outfits for fashion shows. She pulled a number of clothing items from the clothing exchange closets to show how to put together different outfits using just a few items of clothing. […]
Iron Deficiency Anemia and Pica

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide. Globally, this deficiency affects 9-16% of adult women (1). Iron deficiency occurs when the levels of hemoglobin carried by the red blood cells are decreased. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that helps to carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. When […]
The Benefits of Cauliflower in Your Weight Loss Journey

When it comes to weight loss – cauliflower is a hot food trend lately in the low-carb spectrum. But do you know the weight loss benefits of eating this cruciferous plant? Cauliflower is a rich source of Vitamin C, which aids in iron absorption and acts as an antioxidant to fight off infections such as […]
August 1, 2017 – Key Steps for Getting Weight Loss Back on Track
Facilitator: Stephanie Wagner, MS, RDN Stephanie started with the two most important issues in getting back on track whenever you find you’ve regained some weight and stopped following your guidelines: Motivation and Accountability; the “mental side” of getting back on track. Key 1: Motivation – what motivated you a year ago is different than what […]