August 17, 2017 – How to Dress Your Body Type

Facilitator:  Gina Daugherty, CM

Gina has been involved in fashion since she was in high school, when she worked at Jones Store to coordinate outfits for fashion shows.  She pulled a number of clothing items from the clothing exchange closets to show how to put together different outfits using just a few items of clothing. 

She started with a few “rules” that she always abides by:

  • Leggings are NOT pants. Leggings are fine as long as you cover your bottom – always!
  • Buy basic colors in shorts, pants, skirts: black, white, navy, gray, and khaki
  • If you wear capris, they need to either come right above the knee or right above the ankle. Otherwise they cut you off and make you look shorter.
  • Horizontal stripes should have a print, or the stripes should just be on the sleeves
  • Buy a size that FITS – don’t continue to buy too big. Stop buying the size you were – you are not that size anymore.
  • For abdominal weight, wear A-line or empire waist tops, and keep them long and “flowy” – don’t wear tight fitting clothing that shows off the “rolls”
  • To make you look longer, wear V-necks or scoop necks with a long necklace
  • If you don’t love it, don’t buy it!
  • Shop at Goodwill (135th & 69 highway is good) or Savers. Other good stores are:

Platos closet (caters more to younger set)

Elephant Tree

Beyond Exchange

Target, Kohls, Walmart, TJ Maxx and Marshalls

Kohls is great for undergarments by Warners          


For men,  she had just a few rules:

  • Wear only dark color slacks – no white!
  • Don’t mix textures
  • Buy clothes that fit


You have to take the time to shop; browse frequently and look at mannequins for ideas; reward yourself (not with food!) everytime you lose another 10 lbs, or reach your next goal. 

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