By: Melissa Rothwell, RDN, LDN

Thanksgiving is a time we gather to give thanks for all the wonderful moments in our lives. It is also a holiday surrounded by food. Be thankful KC Bariatric is here to help you stay on track.

First, shift your focus away from food. Enjoy the family and friends surrounding you. Practice gratitude by writing thank you notes to your loved ones. Play a new board game or start a new “non-food” Thanksgiving tradition.

When it comes to the meal, remember turkey (or protein) first! Once you have the protein secured, go for veggies next. Depending on where you are in your journey, allow yourself a taste of the other sides. Bringing your own bariatric friendly dish is helpful. Check out our KC Bariatric Pinterest page for some bariatric friendly Thanksgiving recipes. Leftovers could be tempting so send those home with family members or friends.

Next, get moving! Sign up for a local Turkey Trot. A walk or a jog is a great way to start your holiday! Lead your family and friends in a post meal walk or hike. Plan a fun game or scavenger hunt for everyone to participate. Black Friday shopping is a great way to get steps in. Whatever you choose, get moving!

Lastly, if you get off track during the holidays, forgive yourself, and get back on track. Your registered dietitians at KC Bariatric are always happy to help if needed. Give us a call!