By: Sidney Smith, RDN, LDN

Calcium is one of the few minerals that is integral for long-term health after bariatric surgery. Due to the alterations in intestinal anatomy induced from bariatric surgery, there is a risk of calcium and vitamin D malabsorption. Bariatric individuals also have a reduced food intake of calcium, increased bone turn over and loss of bone mass. Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis dental issues and/or muscle cramps.

After the Gastric Sleeve or the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, it is recommended to take between 1200-1500mg of Calcium Citrate that includes Vitamin D3 for better absorption of calcium. This amount of Calcium Citrate is typically taken as 500mg calcium three times a day or 600mg of calcium two times a day. Because your body can only absorb so much calcium at one time, each of the Calcium Citrate pill or chewable need to be separated by at least 1 hour. It is also recommended to avoid taking Calcium Citrate with your Bariatric Multivitamin. Calcium can affect how the body absorbs iron. Iron is another mineral that bariatric individuals are also at risk of deficiency. We recommend that to separate the Bariatric Multivitamin from the Calcium Citrate by approximately two hours. You can find example schedules in Your Journey Bariatric binder.

It is recommended to take Calcium Citrate vs Calcium Carbonate because Calcium Citrate is better absorbed in a lower acidic environment which occurs after bariatric surgery. Calcium Citrate is also better in preventing kidney stones which affects ~4-7% (NIH) of bariatric patients. We also recommend avoiding calcium carbonate due to the side effects it can potentially cause including, gas, bloating and constipation.

Bariatric patients can also focus on eating calcium rich foods such as dairy products, dark leafy greens, edamame, tofu, sardines, canned salmon, beans, almonds and figs.

You can purchase Calcium Citrate at KC Bariatric, or on our website For additional nutritional information please feel free to call us at 913-677-6319 to schedule an appointment with one of our dietitians.