Physical therapy plays an important role in your bariatric weight loss experience.  Physical therapists work with you during various points of your journey, both prior to and often after surgery.  They offer a pre-operative evaluation to start you on an exercise program appropriate to your level of function, activity level and/or mobility constraints.  They also provide post-operative care to address weight loss changes to your body, orthopedic problems and to advance your exercise program.  Physical therapists can also help you manage the many aspects of recovery after bariatric weight loss surgery and help ensure the most successful outcomes by:

weight loss with physical therapy– Creating an individualized treatment program;

– Educating you on the benefits of exercise and how to incorporate it into your new lifestyle;

– Teaching you safe exercise techniques and progressions before and after your procedure;

– Helping you find ways to stay motivated and continue on the path of better health.

Your Weight Loss Journey Is Unique!

Each person’s weight loss journey is unique, and may require different skills from the physical therapist. Physical therapy may address the following:

  • Improving endurance and aerobic capacity;physical therapy weight loss stretching ball

  • Decreasing pain in the spine and extremities;

  • Regaining range of motion and/or strength;

  • Improving balance and/or coordination;

  • Improving postural awareness.

Ensure A Successful Outcome In Your Bariatric Journey!

As you know, the decision to have bariatric surgery is also a decision for making healthy lifestyle changes.  Working with a physical therapist provides you with an additional tool to help ensure a successful outcome in your bariatric journey.  Here are some tips to keep in mind as you recover and progress:

 – Surround yourself with supportive friends and/or family;

 – Keep track of your progress;

 – Attend support groups, which are held twice monthly on-site;

 – Get involved in something you have always wanted to do or try;

 – Be sure to treat yourself with healthy rewards;

 – Remember, everyone makes mistakes; learn from them.

It is also important to consider what went wrong and correct it in the future.

The Bariatric Center of Kansas City is pleased to announce that physical therapy services are now available in our Comprehensive Care Wing in Suite A-305 of Building A in the Shawnee Mission Health Prairie Star Complex at 23351 Prairie Star Pkwy, Lenexa, KS.  PT services are covered by most insurance plans and are a valuable resource to take advantage of. To schedule an appointment, just call our main office line at 913.677.6319 and we’ll be happy to get you scheduled!